Monday, August 19, 2013

The Long and Winding Road

    In high school, I used to lay in bed, thinking about what the future would hold. Every Teenager has that "crystal ball" moment. We manufacture in our mind, what's next, all the while, not understanding one bit, that what happens today affects what's in store for tomorrow and beyond. We tend to conveniently forget that the road we all travel though life is directly affected by the moments we share and experience each and every day. For some, a pre-determined path leads the right way, with family support, good influences, and the right mindset to not accept failure. For some, sadly, their path seems derailed before the train leaves the station. For the rest of us, we were just lucky I suppose. I'm all of the above.

    I sit here writing this, in my hobby room, with Harlan sleeping peacefully on my couch, listening to old Green Day songs. The melodies bringing me back to a crossroads in my young life. We all have them. A point burned in our memories, where life could've taken any one of a number of paths. Looking at him, swaddled and beautiful, I'd say my path, potholes aside, has been right on the money. Everything I've ever dreamed of.

    Remembering back, it scares me now, just how one small detail, one then-insignificant event, could've kept me from him. I would never have met my amazing wife. This child, this amazing child, would still be a distant dream, instead of a perfect reality. Some would call it a blessing, some would call it dumb-luck, some would call it karma. I'm not sure what I would call it. Maybe a combination of everything. I'd like to say I've made some good decisions in my life that led this, along with the bad ones.

    Still, as random as life can be at times, and how quickly experiences alter the paths we choose take, I feel as though some thanks are in order:

Thanks to my sister, who I fought valiantly for years, only to realize, that having a sibling was a blessing all along. Thanks for irritating me, and making me remember how special you are.

Thanks to my parents, who were, and still are, my saving grace. You two gave us everything you could, you taught us values, and what it took to be a good person. I wish I could repay you for the guidance you've given over the years, words aren't enough.

Thanks to all who have done me wrong along the way. Because of your various actions, I'm a better person, a better husband, and a better father. You're the examples that I don't want to be, and I strive to be better than.

Thanks to my beautiful wife Amy. Words don't really describe what you've done for me, and what you've meant to me, these past several years. my love and admiration only grows with each day.

Lastly, thanks to life. Thanks to all the experiences. Thanks to the beatdowns, the triumphs, the tragedies, the laughs, and the tears. Without one of these, I may not be sitting here writhing this post, listening to music, thinking of my past, and looking at Harlan, laying so perfectly on my couch.

Thank you to all, I'm still enjoying this ride.



1 comment:

  1. Who'd a think it--my little nephew JR actually being a daddy and (gasp!) blogging!? The being a daddy is the easy part. Happens accidentally to us naive males while we're beating our chest. The hard part is being a GOOD daddy. You're well underway... Stay on track. Don't be too ruffled if he isn't good at something you hoped he would be--just throw something else his way. Our job is to bombard our kids with enough shit to choose from that they have no choice but to find their area of interest and/or expertise.

    Funny thing about blogging: We spend all this time in school trying to duck out of stuff like this, then we find ourselves doing it in our spare time somewhere down the road. Life has a sense of humor.
    Keep it up.. You're off to a great start!
